Zoey invites you to view her scrapbook as her parents build her a new house overlooking Sugar Pine Creek!

About Me

My photo
Trail, Oregon
I'm a Chocolate Labrador Retriever. I love to run for short periods of time, then I love to be in my chair. I love food and consider myself a gourmet! This is my baby picture. I'm 95 lbs now!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

A few good days of weather!  Got the garage "man"-doors installed; now can start on siding.  Electrical is still plugging along.  The attic is done, the main floor is done; we're working in the basement now. 

With the rain and sunshine comes the first mow of the season!  Love the emerald green grass!  Dad has been hacking the blackberries back on the hillside near the house.  Mom has started turning over her garden beds!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Chocolate Bunny!

Hopping Flopping Bunny!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Swamper and his Mom visited us this week!  We got the vineyard weeded and pruned, and planted an apple tree and two blueberry bushes!

I had to keep reminding Swamper that all the food is mine and all the toys are mine.  Osker understands this.