Zoey invites you to view her scrapbook as her parents build her a new house overlooking Sugar Pine Creek!

About Me

My photo
Trail, Oregon
I'm a Chocolate Labrador Retriever. I love to run for short periods of time, then I love to be in my chair. I love food and consider myself a gourmet! This is my baby picture. I'm 95 lbs now!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Part of the basement floor was poured Monday.  This last corner wasn't quite set before it started to rain so they tented it with plastic.  We had an inch of rain that night!!
The girls love to weed!  They follow so close to the hoe you have to be careful not to whack them.  Not one worm, grub or bug gets by them.  They are on it!
Two rows of wine grapes pruned and weeded with help from Erin and Cynthia!  Those were the Zinfandel, Pinot noir, Chardonnay, and Pinot Gris grapes.  Cabernet Sauvignon and Syrah to go!  This is their second year (ie., no wine this year).  The individual deer fences will come off as soon as the entire area deer fence is finished.
Its' open range season!  If you don't want cattle in your yard you need to fence them out.  Our neighbor has been building a new gate and isn't quite finished.  These cattle are from 1.5 miles up the road and should not be down this way, but they manage to find green pasture in any direction!  David hi-tailed it out of here to close up his gates!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Zoey,
    How are you and the girls getting along? You know, just because they'd probably taste good ain't no reason not to be friends.
    Now the deer, that's another story. More your size anyway.
    Keep an eye on Mom and Pop for me, will ya?
    uncle walt
