Since my fruit supply is gone now, I've had to sneak into the garden to nibble on the compost pile. Unfortunately, this also causes the midnight poos. So Dad made this nice gate that we need to keep all the critters out of the garden. This New Year, I hope you have access to all the goodies you enjoy eating!
Here's the floor after 1 coat of Waterlox (tung oil and resin varnish). You wipe it on with a lambs wool applicator, then wait a couple days to dry. Dry time is slow now because of the cool temps and high humidity. We have a couple space heaters going, but can't use the woodstove because of traffic, dust, and fumes.
This is after the second coat. You don't have to sand between coats. Waiting for it to dry a bit more before the final coat!
Floor is beautiful!!