My friends from Dad's college came to visit! Eight of us went into the woods. Two chain saws going, people hauling, bucking, clearing brush, and loading the truck! One and a half truck loads in record time! It was a beautiful thing! The guys even unloaded, stacked, and split it!
Then we found out our friend Nancy LIKES to weed-whack! She took Dad's heavy whacker and went at it!
Osker was showing off while they were here and caught a gopher.
The half-a-wide is still here, but guess what?? The new owner called tonight and guess what he said??? He said he'll come get it TOMORROW!!!!
Yang, our naughty chicken had been laying her eggs in a secret hiding spot. Mom kept asking me and Osker to "find it"!!! We knew where she was hiding, but do you think we were going to tell when we could watch a bunch of humans walking all over the place clucking like chickens??? It was very funny! Mom finally found the stash in a corner of the greenhouse!
$#^&!...I missed all the excitement again!